Hunger Helper Overview
Hunger Helper is a revolutionary new software product that will save you and your employees time, and save your company money...PERIOD.
Ordering lunch on the job can be a hassle. By the time everyone in your office decides where they
want to order from, someone must now spend their time walking around with a pencil and pad in order
to list what everyone would like to eat. Then the list-holder must place the order whether by faxing
or calling. Now, what if their hand writing is bad, and the establishment receiving the fax can't read
it at all.
The problems with lunch ordering go on and on. Not anymore! Hunger Helper will collect
lunch orders, store favorite orders, even warn you of any problems before ordering lunch consumes more
of your business's time than one would expect. Ordering a meal using Hunger Helper will take each
orderer approximately one (1) minute. When the order is printed, the orders are written neatly, the
food establishment's name, address, and fax number are printed on the order's heading as is your Company
Logo. The order even reminds the food establishment not to forget to include utensils, napkins, and so on.
Once you try Hunger Helper, you'll wonder how your company ordered lunch without it!
Click Here to calculate how much Hunger Helper can save YOU!
Click Here to begin your FREE 60-day Trial.